Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Monday, 30 April 2012
Audience feedback
Our audience feedback was okay this is because it had shown what we had done right and what we had done bad also where their could be improvements to make our documentary better. But the overall view of our documentary was okay. they had shown us where their could be improvements made. For example when using the camera also when editing this is because some of the parts in the documentary ere to dark which made it difficult for the viewers to see. Also the use of translation we didn't use any to make our documentary more interesting for the viewer. so overall the feedback was mixed with some people saying it was good and their were other saying that it wasn't as good as it could be. So tacking the feedback on-board we will look to the future and make the documentary better, to do this we would take more action when filming also use different camera angles. also take extra care when choosing locations, we could also add transitions to make our documentary look more professional.
If i was to do the documentary agian i would act on the things i didnt't act on before so that the documentary would be better. For example when choosing the locations, this is because the locations we chose were not good because when it came to filming there was too much nosie and that made things difficult. I would also take extra care when editing our documentary to do this i would use more effect to meake our documentary look more professional, so that when peole watch our documentary they won't get bored and then they would watch the documentary more than once.
If i was to do the documentary agian i would act on the things i didnt't act on before so that the documentary would be better. For example when choosing the locations, this is because the locations we chose were not good because when it came to filming there was too much nosie and that made things difficult. I would also take extra care when editing our documentary to do this i would use more effect to meake our documentary look more professional, so that when peole watch our documentary they won't get bored and then they would watch the documentary more than once.
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Risk assesement
When filming me and shoaib had to be careful of alot of things. when me and shoaib was filming in our locations thier some of the things that put me and shoaib at risk of an injury. when filming outside the cafe we had to be careful of the chairs also the tables so that we dont't trip over the legs and hurt ourselves. Also when filming other people we had to be careful of where we had placed the camera so that it doesn't get in the way of the interviewer.
locations list, shot list and crew list
crew list
The people in our group was me and shoaib. i had two rolls which were being in front of the camera telling people what our documentary was going to be about. also when interviewing one of the students i was the person that would read out the question so they new what they going to be talking about. Also shoaib's role was to be in control of the camera.
Shot list
We didn't use many shots but we used a few. We used over the shoulder and medium close up.
Location list
We had a total of 4 locations. The first location was outside the cafe we chose this location because we thought it would be ideal for our documentary also it was quite while we was filming. we also filmed outside the restaurant which made our documentary stand out because it had a good background. we also filmed outside the gym which also was a good location this is because we needed somewhere decent. our last location Mrs thomes office this was an ideal location because Mrs thomes is more likely to be there.
The people in our group was me and shoaib. i had two rolls which were being in front of the camera telling people what our documentary was going to be about. also when interviewing one of the students i was the person that would read out the question so they new what they going to be talking about. Also shoaib's role was to be in control of the camera.
Shot list
We didn't use many shots but we used a few. We used over the shoulder and medium close up.
Location list
We had a total of 4 locations. The first location was outside the cafe we chose this location because we thought it would be ideal for our documentary also it was quite while we was filming. we also filmed outside the restaurant which made our documentary stand out because it had a good background. we also filmed outside the gym which also was a good location this is because we needed somewhere decent. our last location Mrs thomes office this was an ideal location because Mrs thomes is more likely to be there.
We interviewed a few people before the main interview which was miss thomes.
- Gift
- Warda
- Sabenna
- Mrs Thomes
Issues in factual programing
Accuracy is important during factual programing because what people say on television and documentary movies will be seen by millions of people and the accuracy of the topic is right this could then lead to a big problem if something goes wrong. Also for people to get the accuracy right they would have to get a lot of information about the topic from different types of sources. But if you get the information form someone else you may have to pay but if you get small information from that person it would then cost less depending on how important it is.
Balance can be based on two viewpoints from two different people. Also the using of balance is depending on the information found, this would then mean that the information found would go towards the two viewpoints between the two people.
This is when the you should take both sides of an issue and not be biased and take the one side based on the issue made.
This is when u chose your main objective and you show people what you’re trying to gain from it. Also objectivity means that your main focus is one the one thing in hand. Its also about getting your point across to the public showing them what your about to do.
This means that you have your own personal views and feelings from the issue and this means that it’s more one-sided view. As objectivity it’s more open towards the public and more people can find out about it. But subjectivity is more personal and kept to one person or a few other people but not to the whole world.
This can be given by a balanced viewpoint, which needs to be a subjectivity belief or even a interpretation fact. For example something that can be proved but as opinion it cant be proved its more towards someone’s view point and what they think about a certain thing. Also an opinion can be supported by an argument, although people are then able to show their own opinion on certain facts.
This mean when theirs only one argument that’s being one sided and then the other argument is there being ignored.
You should represent your own factual programing in the way you should. For example you should not serotype a person or a group by there different ethnic group because it could cause a huge amount of things that could cause trouble. Also you have to be careful when making factual programs that it doesn’t upset viewers in any sort of way.
You would need other people’s permission to be able to access their work. If you do this without permission there is a chance that you could be suede because they have a right to do that because you have done something wrong towards that person.
Privacy contract with the viewer
You should always ask the person that you’re filming for permission because if you film him without him knowing then he could suede you and then there’s a chance that you could be arrested.
Monday, 2 April 2012
Me and Shoaib worked well in a group because their was only the two of us which made things difficult when it came to recording. This is because what we wanted to do you needed three people. But we found away round it and we coped. Also we worked well during pre production this is because we had got all the work done to a good stranded and we didn't miss the deadline which was good.
Me and Shoaib had the one difficulty which was having an idea for our documentary. We had ideas for our documentary but they wasn't valid which made things difficult. We didn't have people to back it up or to be a witness, for example we want to do our documentary on the London riots but we needed someone to interview that was involved in the London riots which we didn't have so we couldn't do that. This could be improved
Our documentary had used the different types of codes and conventions this is because all documentary are based on true story's and they are factual which means its based on a true story.
Me and Shoaib had the one difficulty which was having an idea for our documentary. We had ideas for our documentary but they wasn't valid which made things difficult. We didn't have people to back it up or to be a witness, for example we want to do our documentary on the London riots but we needed someone to interview that was involved in the London riots which we didn't have so we couldn't do that. This could be improved
Our documentary had used the different types of codes and conventions this is because all documentary are based on true story's and they are factual which means its based on a true story.
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
This is when the you get a group of people together to do some research about a certain issue.
This is when someone has their own privacy over there own work and is then to be kept safe away from others.
This means when only one person can get access to something and know one else is able to access without permission
This is when the you get a group of people together to do some research about a certain issue.
This is when someone has their own privacy over there own work and is then to be kept safe away from others.
This means when only one person can get access to something and know one else is able to access without permission
Monday, 5 March 2012
Lesson plan
Today we will be filming other people in our group we also need to do our introduction. Also if we have finished by period three shoaib and i will be editing our documentary and putting it together.
Monday, 27 February 2012
Group discusion
Today we was told to teach a class of year 8 in small groups and go round each table to find out what they where doing for there documentary. So we would ask them what they had chosen to do for their documentary, we would also ask them what they had planed for their documentary. We would also tell them our ideas of a good documentary to be able to make there documentary much better. We would also show them what else they would need to add to make the documentary much better, like there were things they didn't know about a documentary so we would tell them what makes a good documentary.
Monday, 20 February 2012
Timeline for our documentry
0.00 This is when we will be interviewing our first person
0.45 This is when we will be interviewing our second person
0.90 This is when we will be interviewing our third person
1.35 This is when we will be interviewing our fourth person
1.70 This is when we will be interviewing our fifth person
2.15 This is when we will be interviewing our sixth person
2.60 This is when we will be interviewing our seventh person
3.05 This is when we will be interviewing our eighth person
3.50 This is when we will be interviewing our ninth person
5.00 The end
0.45 This is when we will be interviewing our second person
0.90 This is when we will be interviewing our third person
1.35 This is when we will be interviewing our fourth person
1.70 This is when we will be interviewing our fifth person
2.15 This is when we will be interviewing our sixth person
2.60 This is when we will be interviewing our seventh person
3.05 This is when we will be interviewing our eighth person
3.50 This is when we will be interviewing our ninth person
5.00 The end
locations list, shot list and crew list
We have chosen to stay on school grounds because our documentary involves the school. This also involves us talking about the school issues.
shot list
The shots we will be using are close up and medium close up this is because we want a nice close up of the face.
Crew list
The people in our crew will be me and shoaib i will be asking the people the question while shoaib will be operating the camera.
We have chosen to stay on school grounds because our documentary involves the school. This also involves us talking about the school issues.
shot list
The shots we will be using are close up and medium close up this is because we want a nice close up of the face.
Crew list
The people in our crew will be me and shoaib i will be asking the people the question while shoaib will be operating the camera.
Monday, 6 February 2012
My chosen documentary about school
Our chosen documentary is about the issues in 16+ and how some of the students are talking about the school issues. For example when students come into school late they end up getting a late detention even tho they have a free lesson they still end up with a late detention on there hand. Also another issue would be where students are unable to go offsite at lunch for something to eat also the lack of seating areas available. We will interview students of 16+ on what they think about the issues also what they would want improved on these issues.
For our documentary we will be interviewing 16+ students about what they think about the issues in 16+ life. Also talk to the students about how these issues can be resolved for improvements. We could also talk to miss tomes about why these issues have come together.
The main person in this interview will be miss tomes this is because she is our Principal. We will talk to miss tomes about whats going on also talk to her about the issues. We will ask her why we have to stay onsite when we have free period or if were free for the first two lessons why do we still have to come in. So we will as miss tomes why do we have two.
These are the questions we are going to be asking the students:
What is your overall opinion about these issues?
What do you feel about theses issues?
How do you think these issues should be addressed?
How do you think these issues could be improved?
The questions we will ask miss tomes:
What is your overall opinion about these issues?
What do you feel about theses issues?
How do you think these issues could be improved to make us 16 plus students happy?
At the end me and shoaib will give our overall view about these issues.
For our documentary we will be interviewing 16+ students about what they think about the issues in 16+ life. Also talk to the students about how these issues can be resolved for improvements. We could also talk to miss tomes about why these issues have come together.
The main person in this interview will be miss tomes this is because she is our Principal. We will talk to miss tomes about whats going on also talk to her about the issues. We will ask her why we have to stay onsite when we have free period or if were free for the first two lessons why do we still have to come in. So we will as miss tomes why do we have two.
These are the questions we are going to be asking the students:
What is your overall opinion about these issues?
What do you feel about theses issues?
How do you think these issues should be addressed?
How do you think these issues could be improved?
The questions we will ask miss tomes:
What is your overall opinion about these issues?
What do you feel about theses issues?
How do you think these issues could be improved to make us 16 plus students happy?
At the end me and shoaib will give our overall view about these issues.
Monday, 30 January 2012
My documentary idea
For my documentary i would like to talk about animals becoming extinct. i want to talk about this because i think its important for people of all ages to be able to understand the situation that's going in our world. we would talk about the increase of global warming which is also killing the animals which means the more global warming the less animals we will have living on our planet. We would also talk about people could help to try and stop this from happening. This is because of humans, also the alarming rate of animals are becoming extinct everyday. At this rate, more than half the world of our species will be extinct in 100 years. This is because of habitat destruction, climate change, pollution and invasive species.
save the animals
saving animals can be done in many ways
save the animals
saving animals can be done in many ways
Analise the two documentaries also to see how there different two one another
King of Laughter
This documentary is a interactive documentary because the king of laughter is interacting with other people around him with his laughter. which is making people interact with him. The king of laughter moved to Walsall to try and change that this is because the town of walsall is the unhappiest place to live in Britain. So the king of laughter came to change that. The narrative side of this is that it doesn't show how he makes people laugh like does he say anything to people to make them laugh or is it his laugh alone that makes people laugh we don't know, but all we no is that it work. Ethiopian's King of Laughter visits England to see if laughter is really that bad in the western part of the UK. The purpose of this documentary is to make the unhappiest town in the UK to one of the happiest towns in the UK. The audience is the people of Walsall also people that doesn't laugh as much as they should, also people that watch it at home.
Please and Thanks
This documentary is aimed towards the younger generation because some of them cannot use there manures such as please and thanks which everyone should be using in today's life. So overall the purpose is to get more people to use manures when out and about. The construction of this documentary is that its made to help people use manures when with other people. The narrative thing about this documentary is that it doesn't work because there's still people not using the manures towards older people. The mode of this documentary is observational documentary this is because its getting peoples views on manures such as please and thanks. someones goes around with a camera asking there views on manures also how they could be put together to help people improve there manures with people on the outside world.
This documentary is a interactive documentary because the king of laughter is interacting with other people around him with his laughter. which is making people interact with him. The king of laughter moved to Walsall to try and change that this is because the town of walsall is the unhappiest place to live in Britain. So the king of laughter came to change that. The narrative side of this is that it doesn't show how he makes people laugh like does he say anything to people to make them laugh or is it his laugh alone that makes people laugh we don't know, but all we no is that it work. Ethiopian's King of Laughter visits England to see if laughter is really that bad in the western part of the UK. The purpose of this documentary is to make the unhappiest town in the UK to one of the happiest towns in the UK. The audience is the people of Walsall also people that doesn't laugh as much as they should, also people that watch it at home.
Please and Thanks
This documentary is aimed towards the younger generation because some of them cannot use there manures such as please and thanks which everyone should be using in today's life. So overall the purpose is to get more people to use manures when out and about. The construction of this documentary is that its made to help people use manures when with other people. The narrative thing about this documentary is that it doesn't work because there's still people not using the manures towards older people. The mode of this documentary is observational documentary this is because its getting peoples views on manures such as please and thanks. someones goes around with a camera asking there views on manures also how they could be put together to help people improve there manures with people on the outside world.
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Observational Documentaries
This is a reality/ documetary program and it is shown on MTV. The show tours of houses also mansions of different families and teenagers. before it was called teen cribs it was just MTV cribs, which then featured big houses of rich celebrities.
This show is an observational documentary because it follows the teenagers around as they do a tour of their house or mansion. The camera is used to focuse on the people items and furniture that is inside the house also outside the house.
There are no interviews involved but the parents/ teenagers would then talk about the house whilist they're walking around the house.
Editing: This shows the speeding up of the clips to be able to show the viewres more of the intresting parts of the house then after that the speed would then change back to normal.
Sound: the music used is used to make the program more intresting for the viewers to watch at home this is because they don't want them to get bored.
camera shots: The long takes are used during the program to be able to capture everything in thwe house, also close up shots of the people.
Examples of Observational Documentaries
- The definition of observational documentaries: is that the Documentary maker followers people or a person around the observe there events of their life.
- The equipment used are cameras. For example a hand-held camera.
- There are also long takes used during observational documentaries.
- There are usally no interviews during observational documentaries.
This is a reality/ documetary program and it is shown on MTV. The show tours of houses also mansions of different families and teenagers. before it was called teen cribs it was just MTV cribs, which then featured big houses of rich celebrities.
This show is an observational documentary because it follows the teenagers around as they do a tour of their house or mansion. The camera is used to focuse on the people items and furniture that is inside the house also outside the house.
There are no interviews involved but the parents/ teenagers would then talk about the house whilist they're walking around the house.
Editing: This shows the speeding up of the clips to be able to show the viewres more of the intresting parts of the house then after that the speed would then change back to normal.
Sound: the music used is used to make the program more intresting for the viewers to watch at home this is because they don't want them to get bored.
camera shots: The long takes are used during the program to be able to capture everything in thwe house, also close up shots of the people.
Examples of Observational Documentaries
- 16 and pregnant
- MTV teen cribs
- Teen mom
Monday, 23 January 2012
Codes and conventions in documentaries
Extraordinary People - The boy who sees without eyes
This documentary is about a boy that can see without eyes. The first 10 minutes of the documentary shows how Ben had lost his eye sight. Ben shows that anything's possible if you put your mind to it even tho you ain't the same as everyone else. The code and conventions of this documentary is that it tells a story about something or someone which all documentaries have. Another code and convention is that they shown the inside story of Ben's life and how he did stuff even tho he was blind.
Another code and convention is that it shows how Ben copes being blind and how he survives the outside world and how he is different to other blind people. Another code and convention is that the documentary is a medical sort of thing where some of the people can do some things they wouldn't have even have dreamed of doing. Another code and convention is that its mostly aimed at family's also people that are handicapped.
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