Monday, 30 January 2012

My documentary idea

For my documentary i would like to talk about animals becoming extinct. i want to talk about this because i think its important for people of all ages to be able to understand the situation that's going in our world. we would talk about the increase of global warming which is also killing the animals which means the more global warming the less animals we will have living on our planet. We would also talk about people could help to try and stop this from happening. This is because of humans, also the alarming rate of animals are becoming extinct everyday. At this rate, more than half the world of our species will be extinct in 100 years. This is because of habitat destruction, climate change, pollution and invasive species.

save the animals  

saving animals can be done in many ways

Analise the two documentaries also to see how there different two one another

King of Laughter 
This documentary is a interactive documentary because the king of laughter is interacting with other people around him with his laughter. which is making people interact with him. The king of laughter moved to Walsall  to try and change that this is because the town of  walsall is the unhappiest place to live in Britain. So the king of laughter came to change that. The narrative side of this is that it doesn't show how he makes people laugh like does he say anything to people to make them laugh or is it his laugh alone that makes people laugh we don't know, but all we no is that it work. Ethiopian's King of Laughter visits England to see if laughter is really that bad in the western part of the UK. The purpose of this documentary is to make the unhappiest town in the UK to one of the happiest towns in the UK. The audience is the people of Walsall also people that doesn't laugh as much as they should, also people that watch it at home. 

Please and Thanks
This documentary is aimed towards the younger generation because some of them cannot use there manures such as please and thanks which everyone should be using in today's life. So overall the purpose is to get more people to use manures when out and about. The construction of this documentary is that its made to help people use manures when with other people. The narrative thing about this documentary is that it doesn't work because there's still people not using the manures towards older people. The mode of this documentary is observational documentary this is because its getting peoples views on manures such as please and thanks. someones goes around with a camera asking there views on manures also how they could be put together to help people improve there manures with people on the outside world.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Observational Documentaries

  • The definition of observational documentaries: is that the Documentary maker followers people or a person around the observe there events of their life. 
  • The equipment used are cameras. For example a hand-held camera.
  • There are also long takes used during observational documentaries.
  • There are usally no interviews during observational documentaries.

This is a reality/ documetary program and it is shown on MTV. The show tours of houses also mansions of different families and teenagers. before it was called teen cribs it was just MTV cribs, which then featured big houses of rich celebrities.

This show is an observational documentary because it follows the teenagers around as they do a tour of their house or mansion. The camera is used to focuse on the people items and furniture that is inside the house also outside the house.

There are no interviews involved but the parents/ teenagers would then talk about the house whilist they're walking around the house. 

Editing: This shows the speeding up of the clips to be able to show the viewres more of the intresting parts of the house then after that the speed would then change back to normal.

Sound: the music used is used to make the program more intresting for the viewers to watch at home this is because they don't want them to get bored.

camera shots: The long takes are used during the program to be able to capture everything in thwe house, also close up shots of the people.

Exampleof Observational Documentaries
  • 16 and pregnant
  • MTV teen cribs
  • Teen mom

Monday, 23 January 2012

Codes and conventions in documentaries

Extraordinary People - The boy who sees without eyes

This documentary is about a boy that can see without eyes. The first 10 minutes of the documentary  shows how Ben had lost his eye sight. Ben shows that anything's possible if you put your mind to it even tho you ain't the same as everyone else. The code and conventions of this documentary is that it tells a story about something or someone which all documentaries have. Another code and convention is that they shown the inside story of Ben's life and how he did stuff even tho he was blind. 

Another code and convention is that it shows how Ben copes being blind and how he survives the outside world and how he is different to other blind people. Another code and convention is that the documentary is a medical sort of thing where some of the people can do some things they wouldn't have even have dreamed of doing. Another code and convention is that its mostly aimed at family's also people that are handicapped.